Christos Bazinas – Researcher

Christos Bazinas received his BSc degree in Computer Engineering in 2014 and his MSc degree in Advanced Technologies of Informatics and Computers in 2019 from the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology (now International Hellenic University), Kavala, Greece. He has worked several years on software engineering, mostly as a web developer. As a researcher he is a member of the HUman-MAchines INteraction (HUMAIN) Lab at the International Hellenic University. He has also participated in a national research project regarding the development of software for social robots in special education (SRTSE), and also a MSCA-RISE project (CybSPEED) in whose context attended to “Advanced Biomedical Signal Processing Methods and Brain Machine Interface Techniques (EEG)” courses at Kyushu Institute of Technology (KYUTECH), Kyushu, Japan. His research interests mainly include social robotics, machine learning and computer vision, in which areas he has publications in several international scientific conferences and journals.

You can see a list of publications here.

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